Ep 08 | The Medieval Mind of My Favourite Storyteller: An Interview with Dr. Jason Baxter

Could we have a season about story without touching on my favourite storyteller, the great Jack Lewis? We could not.

Many of us know Lewis as the great author of The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, or Til We Have Faces. Some of us know him as the everyman theologian who gave us the wartime addresses and Mere Christianity. But there’s a lesser-known third part to Lewis: the medievalist. A self-proclaimed dinosaur, Lewis’ mind was of another time and this is the secret reason for the richness of his stories. So, we should all be wondering: What is the medieval mind and how did Lewis form one?

I’m joined by Dr. Jason Baxter to discuss the medieval mind of C.S. Lewis and how his “breathing the Middle Ages” might be exactly what we need to regain our footing in a world enchanted with truth, goodness, and beauty.

Footnotes for this episode

The Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis, Jason Baxter

Dr. Baxter | Website

The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis

On Plato’s Timaeus, Calcidius

“Meditations in a Toolshed”, C.S. Lewis

“On Stories”, C.S. Lewis

“De Descriptione Temporum”, C.S. Lewis

The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis

The Divine Comedy, Dante

“On Fairy-Stories”, J.R.R. Tolkien


Jason M. Baxter is Visiting Associate Professor at Notre Dame and the Interim Director for the Center for Beauty and Culture at Benedictine College. He is the author of five books, including Medieval Mind of C.S. Lewis and A Beginner's Guide to Dante's Comedy. In his popular writing, he writes about the relevance of the arts and literature in a technological age. His new translation of Dante's Inferno and his new introduction to Brothers Karamazov will come out next spring. If you want to know when his new works are available for purchase, you can follow him on Amazon. You can also visit his website where you can buy a signed copy of one his book, which he will personally wrap for you in discarded lecture notes or annotated academic article.


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