Ep 06 | How Our Practices Shape the Story We Tell Ourselves: An Interview with Tsh Oxenreider

We know it’s important to consider the ideas we take in because they form us deeply, but have you ever considered how what you act out forms you just as deeply? The practices we choose to make habits (or the ones we unintentionally form as habits) shape the story we tell ourselves about God, ourselves, and our lives. So, we should all be asking: What practices help me tell a true, good, and beautiful Story to myself?

I’m joined by Tsh Oxenreider to discuss how our practices should aim at our telos, how the historic Church has practiced this, and some of our favorite practices to bring into your home.

Footnotes for this episode

The Commonplace | Tsh’s Substack

A Drink with a Friend | Tsh’s Podcast

Tsh’s Website | Books, Pilgrimages, Resources

Tsh’s Rule of Life Course

First Light and Eventide | Gratitude journal


Tsh Oxenreider is the author of several non-fiction books, including At Home in the World, Shadow & Light, and Bitter & Sweet. A long-time podcaster, she currently co-hosts the show A Drink With a Friend and writes the popular Substack newsletter The Commonplace. Her other hats include travel guide, high school English teacher, and mother to two teens and a tween. Tsh is currently writing her first novel from her backyard trailer-turned-office in a small town north of Austin, Texas.


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